12 01, 2025


By |2025-01-12T09:01:43+00:00January 12th, 2025|Uncategorized|

During this time of uncertainty with wildfires devastating properties in California, we know that community safety and recovery must take precedence. As the frequency and intensity of wildfires continue to rise throughout California as the years progress, more proactive measures [...]

25 06, 2014

7 Steps to Cut Your Water Bill

By |2023-10-30T21:16:42+00:00June 25th, 2014|Edible Garden|

7 Steps to Cut Your Water Bill 1) Grass is one of the most water-intensive plants in the landscape. It demands high water use and frequent time-consuming and expensive maintenance. Watering your lawn 1 to 2 day a week instead [...]

12 09, 2012


By |2020-08-06T18:01:39+00:00September 12th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Zucca Zucca - Italian Pumpkin - Marina di Chioggia I love pumpkin and I decided to plant a new variety this year. I was thrilled to see these amazingly large leaves as this pumpkin grew in my garden. These  beautiful [...]